Days two and three
Insight Mediation
Transform the way you work with conflict

This 16-hour training program will provide you with a strong foundation in Insight Mediation. We will start with a definition of conflict that makes sense for the relational work we do, with a focus on the challenging human behaviours we see every day. As we gain an understanding of the “how” and “why” of conflict behaviours, we will learn Insight skills that help clients gain their own insights, so we can do the important work of facilitating their dialogue and decision-making.
As Insight Mediation is grounded in learning theory, you will experience the relief that comes from approaching conflict with a learning lens, rather than one of containment or avoidance. The goal of this training is to help you start asking more, and telling less, with targeted curiosity that brings calm and enhances the clients' abilities to participate more effectively in designing their futures.
Insight Mediation will bring you the relief that comes from a theoretically sound approach to managing conflict – enhancing dialogue and supporting healthy decision-making. Because Insight Mediation is focused on clearing up the threats that get in the way of dialogue, we can do better work helping the parties hear and understand one another. All of this saves time and liberates us from a focus on outcome, “fixing” and problem-solving when it is not the right time. ​​​​​

You will receive:
Two days (13 hours) of live training with Insight Mediation Trainer, Jacinta Gallant on 6 and 7 May 2025
A training manual with Insight skills and practical approaches to managing conflict
A 3-hour follow-up virtual session on the morning of 27 June 2025 (timed to suit participants in Australian and New Zealand)
Learn advanced skills to:
Bring the power of curiosity to your work
Engage clients in self-discovery
Talk about and work with values - the drivers of our actions
Facilitate meaningful conversations about trust
Work with and understand defensiveness
Explore and articulate “what matters” in a productive way
What Insight Mediation Participants Say:
"This learning is deep and abiding - and I immediately applied it to my work (and life)."
"Insight Mediation has helped me be more relaxed, natural and productive in those tense moments of conflict."
“The Insight Approach makes sense of the relational conflict we face every day, and gives us tools to be sensitive and effective."
“Want a truly client-centred approach to mediation? Insight Mediation leads the way. It has truly transformed my practice and how I experience conflict in my own life.”

The Presenter
This two day workshop is presented by Jacinta Gallant, a respected Canadian collaborative lawyer, mediator and conflict resolution educator. Jacinta is recognised internationally for her insightful, experiential, and fun approach to teaching and managing conflict.
​​​Jacinta took time out to study conflict because she was dissatisfied with the dominant model of family dispute resolution. When she discovered Insight Mediation, Jacinta committed to a rigorous mentoring program with the founder, Dr. Cheryl Picard, and is now a leading educator in the Insight Approach.
Jacinta’s ultimate goal is to help family law professionals engage meaningfully with clients, manage conflict more effectively, and get more enjoyment out of this important work.

​​Jacinta’s innovative resources, Our Family in Two Homes, and Designing Our Future Together help clients prepare to engage deeply, and productively, with Family Lawyers, Mediators, and Collaborative Practitioners.
With limited places available, register now for the two day Insight Mediation workshop, or take advantage of the discount available if you register for this workshop and the one day conference on 5 May 2025.